Skip-A-Pay For Your Vacay! HHCU wants to help you enjoy a dream vacation this year! During May and June, take advantage of our Skip-a-Pay offer. For only $30 per loan, skip one payment per loan, either month. Then apply all that extra cash toward a great vacation! Apply by June 15th for your … [Read more...]
Summer Skip-A-Pay
Great Get Away Loan Deals
Great Get Away Spring Break Loan Enjoy a little more with a $2,500 fixed loan from Houston Highway Credit Union. Rates as low as 10.74% APR*. Apply online or call us today! *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and approval are based on credit worthiness and are subject to … [Read more...]
Get Back On The Road To Financial Success
Struggling with multiple debt payments? A debt consolidation loan is a personal loan that allows you to consolidate debts such as credit card balances, line of credit, car loan and other similar debts into a single loan. You end up with one low monthly payment with easy installments, improving your … [Read more...]
Back To School Loan!
Let us help you with those back-to-school expenses! Borrow what you need with rates as low as 9.24%* APR! Don't forget to take advantage of the Texas Sales Tax Holiday on school supplies and most clothing items. This year it runs August 10-12th. Just be sure to give us a call or apply online at … [Read more...]
We Got You Covered Loan
We are here to help when those unexpected expenses pop up. Financial security is essential to successfully managing major life events, and that means anticipating how unexpected expenses might impact your finances. Whether you are planning your vacation, are in need of a household repair or need … [Read more...]