Get your paperwork in order such as W-2, statements documenting educational costs that might be deductible, moving expenses if you relocated for work, any job-hunting expenses, and retirement account contributions. If you decide to work with a professional, get a quote to make sure it works … [Read more...]
Tax Season Is Almost Over!
Membership Fees: How to Avoid Them & How We Serve You
How to Avoid Them Providing excellent service and our members’ best interests are our priority, even when it comes to fees. Credit unions have far fewer fees than most financial institutions due to their cooperative, not-for-profit nature and we provide members with the services they need on their … [Read more...]
Thank you for joining us at the 64th Annual Meeting!
Annual Meeting Recap Many thanks to everyone who came to support Houston Highway at our 64th Annual Meeting! The meeting was a brief update on important information on new developments within the credit union and updates from the board of directors and staff. The nominees recommended by the … [Read more...]
Let us help put some spring in your step.
It’s time to put on your vacation wear and travel smart this spring! With all the time-off you and your family have, you most likely have all the major details laid out, such as the destination, lodging and travel. Other expenses tend to pop up during your travels as well, and you should make sure … [Read more...]
Fall in Love with Your Credit Union!
You already know that there is a lot to love about your Credit Union – low rates, high dividends, and excellent service! But, did you know about all of these other benefits to love? Ownership Being a member of a credit union means you are an owner of your credit union! Your CU is a … [Read more...]